The Circadian Journal Workshop
Build a transformative journaling practice in just 8 weeks.
Join a small group of like-minded peers in an online reflective writing workshop to gain clarity in your life and make progress on your goals.
Next session spring 2025
eight 2-hour sessions without leaving home
Acquire a powerful daily writing habit
achieve tangible progress towards your goals
Discover the satisfaction — and the power — of getting your dreams, observations, and ideas into words
We all have good ideas from time to time — but they usually need a little work. We overhear or engage in conversations that we’d love to remember — but soon realize that we’ve mostly forgotten them. We are moved by events and relationships that form the story of our lives — but we may never get around to recording them. We even sometimes imagine plots and invent characters for fictional stories that never seem to see the light of day. Time is passing. Will you ever give voice to this rich inner life? An idea that isn’t worked out in writing usually remains just a fuzzy notion. A dream that stays in your head will never change your life. An unexpressed ideal does the world no good. A story that doesn’t delight a reader or listener isn’t really a story.
“Life Sentences” is a workshop designed to unleash your creativity — and change your life — through experiencing the magical power of words. Using the unique freedom of the circadian journal and working under expert direction and with a small group of like-minded creatives, you will increase your powers of expression, and develop the habits of a writer. And you’ll finally start seeing your creativity — and the story of your life — down on paper!
- Put to good our new familiarity with online face-to-face platforms like Zoom.
- Receive useful feedback on your writing from a seasoned instructor and fellow creatives.
- Experience how the writing process itself generates entirely new ideas.
- Learn how mindful reading deepens and enriches your writing.
- Push your powers of observation and expression through writing workouts and exercises.
- Gain awareness of yourself as an artist, capable of using language to achieve amazing, impactful results.

Gregory Robison

Life is chaotic and unpredictable, no matter how well-prepared you think you are. Fortunately I discovered early on — and learned from others over time — a crucial lesson to make some sense of it all: Write it down. Keep notes. Not just jottings about things that happened, but a record of your thoughts; observations about life; acknowledgment of your disappointments; and an expression of your dreams and ambitions. In other words, keep a journal.
I’ve been keeping one for more than 50 years. And for the last decade or so I have helped others start theirs in versions of this “Life Sentences” workshop at Georgetown University, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Writer’s Center in Maryland, and private corporations.
Now in volume 119, my journal has chronicled, documented, and reflected on a life probably much like yours. It’s been a jumble of experiences and relationships, many of them unplanned and unexpected, played out against the tumultuous history of our times. During all this upheaval, my circadian journal — my diary — kept me accountable to my dreams and goals and helped me explore the meaning of the past and present of my life. I would be delighted to help you do the same.
- Live sessions over eight weeks with a seasoned instructor and a small group of like-minded peers.
- Detailed session notes and handouts to inspire you between sessions and after the workshop.
- Step-by-step help to establish a satisfying, life-long practice of daily reflective writing.

Explore your creativity, hold yourself accountable, find your voice, and produce some awesome work.

1. Register for the workshop


3. Make progress toward your creative goals
How will this help me get unstuck?
A writer is someone who writes. Whether it’s a novel; a memoir; an op-ed column; a venture idea; a marketing pitch; a sermon; a family history; a collection of poems; a private diary or journal; a play for stage or screen… It’s all writing. Whatever its purpose or final form, it’s all worthwhile.
But like all creative work, it takes discipline, skill, and the right attitude. Producing anything worthwhile in this world is a struggle.
This workshop will dispel the illusions and misconceptions about that struggle — illusions and misconceptions that may have kept you from cultivating your creativity and achieving your goals.
- Get real-time feedback and guidance from your coach and peers on projects you bring to the group or whatever you begin during the workshop.
- Use daily writing to clarify your goals and priorities and even discover what you really think.
- By the end of the first few sessions, you'll be journaling creatively and powerfully.
- Apply your new skill of free, playful, creative, and impactful daily writing wherever your ambitions and dreams lead you.
The Circadian Journal Workshop
Schedule & Registration
Join the next cohort:
Each cohort meets online (on Zoom, with password protection), on the same day of the week, for eight consecutive weeks.
Schedule: All Sessions: 7-9PM
Tuesdays — contact me for start date